Since a 2017 media incident where Dr Libby was accused of copying other people's work, she has insisted “I didn’t plagiarise”, further claiming that any similarities between her writing and other people's occurred simply because she has read “in excess of 10,000 books, papers and journals”.
However, we're not convinced. We have found many instances where Dr Libby appears to have "doctored" someone else's text before integrating it into her own writing. You can make up your own mind about this by checking the examples we have found. Want to get right into it? Click the button below.
We have found a total of 5 words written by Dr Libby Weaver that we suspect have been copied from other people's writing, based on an analysis of {{stats.totals.libby.books}} books, {{stats.totals.libby.articles}} articles and {{stats.totals.libby.papers}} academic thesis. We have compared Dr Libby's writing with {{stats.totals.sources.books}} books, {{stats.totals.sources.articles}} articles and {{stats.totals.sources.papers}} academic papers from other authors, which we have gathered from Libby's Reference lists and further reading suggestions, as well as reporting tools such as Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker, TurnItIn and Docoloc.